I just came back from some very nice days in Brussels. On Thursday and Friday, I joined the DARPA SDR Hackfest, which was all about characterization and detection of incidental interference sources. Unfortunately, I was one day late and missed the discussion and teaming phase. I, therefore, did not contribute to the actual hacking, but, nevertheless, had some very nice days.
It was a great get-together and DARPA was an fantastic host. For the hackfest, they booked the top floor of The Hotel, where we had an awesome view over Brussels.

On Saturday, there was a very dense and interesting program in the SDR DevRoom of FOSDEM 2017. During the whole day, people were queuing in front of the door. I also gave a short talk about me playing around with mobile wireless traffic lights.

Apart from that, I was very proud to be invited to the SDR panel on Which are the top 3 challenges for free software radio?. I don’t know if I had much to contribute, since the other panelists were so much more experienced than me. They were Francois Quitin (Prof. in Brussels), Ben Hilburn (Head of GNU Radio), and Tom Rondeau (DARPA Program Manager). Anyhow, I’m very grateful for this awesome experience.